20th APDR Congress
University of Évora, Évora (Portugal), 10-11 July 2014
It is our pleasure to announce the 20th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Évora, Portugal, from July 10 to July 11, 2014.
Theme of the Congress:
Renaissance of the Regions of Southern Europe
University of Évora, Évora (Portugal), 10-11 July 2014
It is our pleasure to announce the 20th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Évora, Portugal, from July 10 to July 11, 2014.
Theme of the Congress:
Renaissance of the Regions of Southern Europe
The 20th
APDR Congress has the main theme of Renaissance
of the Regions of Southern Europe. In the recent years, the southern Europe
countries experienced, particularly aggravated, the economic crisis that
affected much of the western world. This crisis has thus helped to exacerbate the
existing inequalities between the North and South of Europe. After several
decades away from levels of development and economic growth recorded elsewhere
and the considerable efforts in terms of regional development policies, the
southern regions of Europe need to find your way. Thus, this Congress will seek
to answer the following questions: What conditions are necessary for the
economic revival of southern Europe? What is wrong in regional development
policies pursued so far? How can countries of southern Europe to improve their
levels of development? The boundary between Europe and the Mediterranean is a
threat or an opportunity? How can Southern Europe take advantage of the
connection to the South Atlantic?
The 2014 APDR Congress will work through plenary sessions, conferences and round tables, workshops and parallel sessions. Parallel sessions will include: i) abstracts submitted to Regular Sessions (RS), proposed by the organization; and ii) abstracts submitted to Special Sessions (SS), proposed by participants and discussion topics included in workshops proposed by the participants.
The papers presented in 20th APDR Congress may be published in the Portuguese Journal of Regional Studies (RPER), even though the first version has been included in the proceedings of the Congress. To this end, the authors interested should submit their respective manuscripts, even in relation to revised texts brought to Congress, referring them to the following email address: rper.geral@gmail.com. There is no deadline for this submission. The texts are already contemplating the publication standards of RPER: http://www.apdr.pt/siteRPER/PT/submeter.html. The decision of acceptance will follow the usual pattern requirement, being based on independent external review ("peer-reviewing").
The 2014 APDR Congress will work through plenary sessions, conferences and round tables, workshops and parallel sessions. Parallel sessions will include: i) abstracts submitted to Regular Sessions (RS), proposed by the organization; and ii) abstracts submitted to Special Sessions (SS), proposed by participants and discussion topics included in workshops proposed by the participants.
The papers presented in 20th APDR Congress may be published in the Portuguese Journal of Regional Studies (RPER), even though the first version has been included in the proceedings of the Congress. To this end, the authors interested should submit their respective manuscripts, even in relation to revised texts brought to Congress, referring them to the following email address: rper.geral@gmail.com. There is no deadline for this submission. The texts are already contemplating the publication standards of RPER: http://www.apdr.pt/siteRPER/PT/submeter.html. The decision of acceptance will follow the usual pattern requirement, being based on independent external review ("peer-reviewing").
O 20.º Congresso da APDR tem como tema central O Renascimento das Regiões do Sul da Europa. Nos anos mais recentes, os países do Sul da Europa sentiram, de forma particularmente agravada, a crise económica que afetou grande parte do mundo ocidental. Esta crise contribuiu assim para agravar as assimetrias já existentes entre o Norte e o Sul da Europa. Depois de várias décadas longe dos níveis de desenvolvimento e crescimento económico registados noutras latitudes e de esforços consideráveis em termos de políticas de desenvolvimento regional, as regiões do Sul da Europa precisam de encontrar o seu rumo. Neste sentido, este Congresso vai procurar responder às seguintes questões: Que condições são necessárias para permitir o renascimento económico do sul da Europa? O que é que está errado nas políticas de desenvolvimento regional prosseguidas até agora? Como podem os países do sul da Europa melhorar os seus níveis de desenvolvimento? A fronteira da Europa com o mediterrâneo é uma ameaça ou uma oportunidade? Como pode a Europa do sul tirar partido da ligação ao atlântico sul?
O Congresso da APDR 2014 funcionará através de Sessões Plenárias, Conferências e Mesas Redondas, Workshops e Sessões paralelas. As sessões paralelas irão incluir i) comunicações submetidas a Sessões Regulares (RS) propostas pela organização e ii) comunicações submetidas a Sessões Especiais (SS), propostas pelos participantes bem como tópicos de discussão incluídos em workshops propostos pelos participantes.
As comunicações apresentadas no 20.º congresso da APDR poderão ser publicadas na Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER), mesmo que uma primeira versão tenha sido já incluída nas atas do Congresso. Para o efeito, os autores interessados deverão submeter os respetivos manuscritos, ainda que em versão revista face aos textos levados ao congresso, remetendo-os para o seguinte endereço eletrónico: rper.geral@gmail.com. Não há qualquer prazo limite para esta submissão. Os textos deverão já contemplar as normas de publicação da RPER: http://www.apdr.pt/siteRPER/PT/submeter.html. A decisão de aceitação seguirá o padrão de exigência habitual, sendo fundamentada em avaliação externa independente (“peer-reviewing”).