Registration |
You must have an account for an online registration.
For a first visit, please CLICK HERE.
You have already an account, please CLICK HERE
For a first visit, please CLICK HERE.
You have already an account, please CLICK HERE
Type of Registration | Until 8 May 2016 | After 8 May 2016 |
APDR Members | 230 € |
250 € |
Members from developing Countries | 180 € |
200 € |
Other Members of RSAI* | 250 € |
280 € |
Non Members of RSAI* | 280 € |
300 € |
Students (until 33 years) | 200 € |
250 € |
Students (until 33 years) from developing countries and candidates to Bartolomeu Award | 170 € |
200 € |
Accompanying person** | 150 € |
150 € |
*Regional Science Association International (
**The Accompanying Person(s) Rate is intended for those persons who want to accompany a participant to the congress. It is a unique rate applicable ONLY during the entire registration period. The accompanying persons will NOT be allowed to attend the scientific programme (sessions, round tables, etc...). But they are welcome to attend the Opening Session and the Closing Session as well as ALL Social Events organised during the Congress.
Payment can be made by:
For international participants
Account Number: 0817003076330
NIB: 0035 0817 00003076330 71
IBAN PT50 0035 0817 00003076330 71
Beneficiary’s Address – Universidade dos Açores, Rua Capitão João D’Ávila, 9700-042, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal
Beneficiary’s Bank Name - Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Beneficiary’s Bank Address, City, Country – Agencia da Universidade de Coimbra, Largo Dom Dinis - Colegio São Jerónimo, 3000 - 123 COIMBRA, Portugal
For national participants (Moroccan)
IBAN: 007 810 0001053000302839 67
Beneficiary’s Name – Association Marocaine des Sciences Régionales
Beneficiary’s Address – L’Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme (INAU), Avenue Allal El Fassi B.P 6215 - Rabat-Instituts, MAROC.
Beneficiary’s Bank Name – Attijari Wafa Bank
Beneficiary’s Bank Address, City, Country – Avenue de France, Agdal, Rabat, Maroc
Entries will only be considered valid by sending proof of payment to our email
**The Accompanying Person(s) Rate is intended for those persons who want to accompany a participant to the congress. It is a unique rate applicable ONLY during the entire registration period. The accompanying persons will NOT be allowed to attend the scientific programme (sessions, round tables, etc...). But they are welcome to attend the Opening Session and the Closing Session as well as ALL Social Events organised during the Congress.
Payment can be made by:
For international participants
- Bank transfer, using the following:
Account Number: 0817003076330
NIB: 0035 0817 00003076330 71
IBAN PT50 0035 0817 00003076330 71
Beneficiary’s Address – Universidade dos Açores, Rua Capitão João D’Ávila, 9700-042, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal
Beneficiary’s Bank Name - Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Beneficiary’s Bank Address, City, Country – Agencia da Universidade de Coimbra, Largo Dom Dinis - Colegio São Jerónimo, 3000 - 123 COIMBRA, Portugal
For national participants (Moroccan)
- Bank transfer, using the following:
IBAN: 007 810 0001053000302839 67
Beneficiary’s Name – Association Marocaine des Sciences Régionales
Beneficiary’s Address – L’Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme (INAU), Avenue Allal El Fassi B.P 6215 - Rabat-Instituts, MAROC.
Beneficiary’s Bank Name – Attijari Wafa Bank
Beneficiary’s Bank Address, City, Country – Avenue de France, Agdal, Rabat, Maroc
Entries will only be considered valid by sending proof of payment to our email
The Congress Participant registration rate includes:
* Access to all Congress sessions
* WIFI Zone Areas during the Congress period
* Congress materials (incl. Congress book and list of participants) upon confirmation of your registration
* Lunches and Coffee breaks as indicated in the programme
* Official Dinner
The Accompanying Person’s registration rate includes:
* Access to the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Congress
* Lunches and Coffee breaks as indicated in the programme
* Official Dinner
* Access to all Congress sessions
* WIFI Zone Areas during the Congress period
* Congress materials (incl. Congress book and list of participants) upon confirmation of your registration
* Lunches and Coffee breaks as indicated in the programme
* Official Dinner
The Accompanying Person’s registration rate includes:
* Access to the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Congress
* Lunches and Coffee breaks as indicated in the programme
* Official Dinner