The state of the environment on the Adriatic coast: elements of value and conflict
Tema: Gestão e Conservação da Natureza
Data: 5ª, 17h30-19h15
Autor: Donatella Cialdea ; Sandro Privitera

The GES.S.TER project aims to valorise coastal areas along the Adriatic Sea. The Project is financed by the Interreg IIIA Adriatic Cross Border Programme from 2004 to 2007. Moreover the Project will be a case-study analysed by the GISIG - Geographical Information Systems International Group, in order to verify the territorial data in terms of the INSPIRE Directive.

This work concentrates in particular on the analysis of several test areas on the Molise coast in Italy and the coast of the County of Split and Dalmatia in Croatia.
The diverse morphological characteristics of these coastal areas and the different approaches to general and landscape planning are analysed, above all, in the zones in which exceptional environmental value elements are present, with the aim of looking ahead to the development of tourism that is not only related to beach activities.